Top 50 JQuery Interview Questions and Answers 2023

The QueryCreationContext.isSecurityOverriden method indicates whether
or not this function should actually perform security checks. The JqlFunction.validate method is called by Jira when the function needs to be validated. The job of this method is to check the arguments to the function to ensure that it is used correctly. The function name should also be unique across all instances of Jira where it is expected to run. Having two JQL functions of the same name in Jira will produce confusing results.

jql query examples

You can search by custom field name or custom field ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a custom field). Search for issues that were created by a particular user. You can search by the user’s full name, ID, or email address. Note that an issue’s creator does not change, so you cannot search for past creators (e.g. WAS). In a clause, a field is followed by an operator, which in turn is followed by one or more values (or functions).

Snapshot version filter

Mature persistence frameworks allow you to refactor your domain classes
without losing a connection between old (possibly removed)
and new Class versions. For example,
JPA allows you to specify @Entity name
and Spring Data uses @TypeAlias annotation. The Snapshot version is local for each object stored in the JaversRepository
(as opposed to CommitId, which is the global identifier). When an object is committed for the first time, it has version 1. In the example we commit three subsequent versions of two Employees
and then we retrieve the changes done in the third commit only. Note that CommitId is global in the JaversRepository context
(as opposed to version).

It’s safer to search by version ID than by version name. Different projects may have versions with the same name, so searching by version name may return issues from multiple projects. It is also possible for your Jira administrator to change the name of a version, which could break any saved filters that rely on that name. Note, it is safer to search by component ID than by component name. Different projects may have components with the same name, so searching by component name may return issues from multiple projects.

Request channel type

If more users are added to the test-engineering group, this query will dynamically update. If you’re a Jira admin, take a look at Configuring issue linking for more info. Search for issues that have a particular link type, like blocks or is duplicated by.

Perform searches based on the start of the current month. See also startOfDay, startOfWeek, and startOfYear; and endOfDay, endOfWeek, endOfMonth, and endOfYear. Search for requests that currently or previously required approval by the current user. Search for requests that currently require approval by the current user. Search for requests that require approval or have required approval by the current user.

A JQL example for “OR” Keyword

Also note, this function is only available if you are logged in to Jira. We also have a downloadable cheat sheet to keep close on hand as you perform searches with JQL. Copy and paste fields, operators and functions jql queries into the Jira search bar, as well as learn more advanced queries. Advanced search allows you to build structured queries using Jira Query Language (JQL) to search for issues within and across projects.

jql query examples

The Request Type key cannot be changed once the Request Type is created. Only applicable if your Jira administrator has created one or more custom fields. Note that this function can only be used by logged-in users. Perform searches based on issues for which you have voted. Find issues in projects that are led by a specific user.

jql query examples

The version at the bottom of the list is considered the „earliest.” To change the order of versions, drag and drop them to a new place in the list. This is extremely helpful for organizations that have service level agreements (SLA) with their customer base. A JQL query can easily find the issues that are not meeting that SLA. The “in” keyword will include any item that matches any item in the list. In the above example it will return all of the blocker and critical bugs in projects A, B, and C. The „WAS NOT” operator is used to find issues that have never had the specified value for the specified field.

  • Note that if you are not logged in to Jira, an account ID must be specified.
  • A custom field is actually referenced by customfield\_ + the field ID, rather than just the field ID.
  • Copy and paste fields, operators and functions into the Jira search bar, as well as learn more advanced queries.
  • The custom JQL function class must implement the

    com.atlassian.jira.plugin.jql.function.JqlFunction interface, or extend a class that does.